peace within first & then with others...
this is one of the most basic understandings
of the true essence of peace on earth.
peacelders on Y2K:
Dali Lama
Hopi Elder
Inspirations of peace by Peace Pilgrim
(From: Her Life and Work in Her Own Words)
"These are my steps toward inner peace that I wanted
to share with you.
There is nothing new about this. This is universal
truth. I merely talked about these things in everyday words in terms of
my own personal experience with them. The laws which govern
this universe work for good as soon as we obey them, and anything contrary
to these laws doesn't last long. It contains within itself the seeds
of its own destruction. The good in every human life always makes
it possible for us to obey these laws. We do have free will about
all this, and therefore how soon we obey and thereby find harmony, both
within ourselves and within our world, is up to us."